Maritime and Aeronautical Law

The privileged position of the nation, the importance of the Panama Canal for world trade and the Tocumen International Airport as one of the most important air terminals in Latin America by number of destinations make Panama the Hub of the Americas, this has allowed us develop ourselves as leading experts in the field of Maritime and Aeronautical Law and its associated practices.

At SB&Co. LEGAL we frequently assist our clients in a wide range of services, including the flagging and registration of vessels, vessel leasing contracts, purchase and sale contracts associated with vessels, yacht registration, charter contracts, naval mortgages, maritime collections, cargo claims, labor claims related to maritime workers, drafting loan contracts and guarantees, cancellation of registrations, and obtaining all types of licenses and permits.

We work hand in hand with banks, port operators, shipowners, insurers and competent authorities, to offer strategic and effective solutions, ensuring that their operations and main assets are protected and in full compliance with the law.

In the aeronautical branch we assist commercial and cargo airlines, aeronautical workshops, manufacturers, owners and financiers of aircraft, banks, ground handling companies, catering and any company or entity belonging to the aeronautical industry in Panama, in commercial and/or regulatory, as the case may be. In our Firm we have an extensive and deep understanding of the different legislations and rules that govern the matter, as well as the applicable international conventions.

Our services frequently include: the aircraft registration and registration procedure; the purchase and sale of aircraft; drafting contracts and advising on aircraft leasing and subletting operations; structuring of credits for financing; obtaining and renewing permits; registration, exploitation and operation certification; consulting for charter companies; the registration of new destinations and increase in frequencies, addressing litigation and controversy resolution, civil liability, accidents and claims, Charter Contracts; and, in addition, all labor issues that arise from aeronautical activity in Panama.

Our firm combines its experience with a personalized approach, advising our clients through the complex legal and regulatory procedures of their vessels and aircraft.

Contact Persons

Monica Suero
Junior Partner

Contact us

    Our Practice Area

    We are at your disposal


    Office in Panama

    +507 306 1200

    Samuel Lewis Avenue and 58th Street, 

    Obarrio ADR Tower, 7th Floor Office 700-D

    1995-2024 © All rights reserved SB&CO LEGAL

    Developed by BSE AMERICA CORP


    Office in Panama

    +507 306 1200

    Samuel Lewis Avenue and 58th Street, 

    Obarrio ADR Tower, 7th Floor Office 700-D

    1995-2024 © All rights reserved SB&CO LEGAL

    Developed by BSE AMERICA CORP